Six apps to try this year

February 1, 2022

Pretty much everyone has a smartphone. But are you getting the most out of yours?

We’ve put together a list of some popular apps of 2021, to make your device an ally for your New Year’s resolutions.

Carrot To-Do

Like to be more productive? Carrot might be the way to do it. It’s described as a “hilarious talking to-do list”. You’ll not only organise what you need to get done, but the app will soon tell you if you’re not meeting your targets – and there’s a function that allows it to post about your failures on social media, too. There are rewards and games if you do tick off your list. There’s also Carrot Hunger, to help you track what you eat, and Carrot Fit, offering short workouts, Carrot Alarm and Carrot Wellness, which gives rewards for sticking with activities that boost your wellbeing. Carrot is available on App Store – if you are on an Android device, Wunderlist and Todoist are other good options for to-do lists.


You know how you spot an article as you’re browsing the web and make a mental note to come back to read it – then promptly forget about it? Pocket is designed to solve that problem. It allows you to save news, magazine articles, videos, recipes in one place, and come back to them when you want to. It’ll also learn what you like to read and recommend things to you. You can also select to have your chosen articles read to you. Pocket is available on Google Play and App Store.


If you own an Apple Watch and an iPhone, this app offers a range of workouts of different lengths and types, from dance to strength training, HIIT to rowing. Data from your watch shows you how your performance compares to other people who have done the workout, so you can get motivated to step up.


If you need to destress, there are many meditation apps available, and Headspace is one of the most downloaded. Developed by a man who used to be a Buddhist monk, it offers a free beginner’s course that will guide you through the basics of daily meditation, allowing you to build from there. It’s accessible and feels welcoming, even if you’ve never meditated before. Once you’re under way you can choose to meditate for focus, to help relieve stress or anxiety or even to boost mental health at work. Available on Google Play and App Store.


Who doesn’t want to get better sleep? Rise is a sleep tracker app that highlights when you’re in “sleep debt” and helps you get the sleep you need to maximise your energy. It also predicts your daily energy rhythm and helps you take advantage of it. On Google Play and App Store – there’s a free trial so you can get a taster before you commit.


Want to turn off from your phone and focus? Forest can be a good way to help yourself do that. Set a number of minutes you want to focus, and Forest will lock your phone screen and grow a virtual tree while you focus on your other activities. It’s not until the tree has grown that you can use your phone again. You can also earn coins to use to plant real trees in Africa.

Making technology your friend

Of course, this is just a very limited list. These days, there’s a good app for pretty much anything. So depending on your needs, goals and why not, New Year’s resolutions, consider how your device can support you – without taking away too much time from your daily schedule.


‍Disclaimer: Please note that the content provided in this article is intended as an overview and as general information only. While care is taken to ensure accuracy and reliability, the information provided is subject to continuous change and may not reflect current development or address your situation. Before making any decisions based on the information provided in this article, please use your discretion and seek independent guidance.